wood composite truss
hallway laminate horizontal
wpc decking wall panel wall board wpc wallboardWhat are its advantages over laminate?The big advantage for WPC over laminate is that it is waterproof and suitable for environments in which laminate shouldn’t normally be used—typically bathrooms and basements that have potential moisture infiltration. In addition, WPC products can be installed in large rooms without an expansion gap every 30 feet,which is a requirement for laminate floors. The vinyl wear layer of WPC provides cushion and comfort and also absorbs the impact sound to make it a quiet floor. WPC is also suitable for large open areas (basements and Main Street commercial areas) because it doesn’t need expansion moldings.Where is the best place to merchandise WPC in the retail showroom?Most manufacturers regard WPC as a subcategory of LVT. As such, it is likely to be displayed among other resilient and/or LVT products. Some retailers have WPC displayed between laminate and LVT or vinyl since it is the ultimate “crossover” category. Jim Mudd, president of Sam Kinnaird’s Flooring in Louisville, Ky., merchandises WPC in the laminate section. “I consider WPC laminate even though I don’t think it matters,” he said. “All I care about is that the product is waterproof and quiet [underfoot].”