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8/05/2018 10:03 pm  #1

Hero's Oath Update Now Available for TERA on PC

En Masse Entertainment, a player-driven publisher dedicated to providing great games and great service, now released the hottest free content update for the PC edition of TERA, Hero's Oath. Keeping with their near-monthly update schedule, today's upgrade ends up a month of events celebrating TERA's sixth anniversary in North America with new content, features, and also the start of a new monthly event for PC players.

Dungeon runners with flat 65 characters sporting powerful gear, an average item level of 446 or higher, can head to the Velika Outskirts to take on the recently introduced Antaroth's Abyss dungeon. The dungeon comes from either a standard and (Hard) difficulty, with three mortal bosses prepared and waiting to challenge even the most skilled of players. And with the recently introduced dungeon leaderboards, currently active for Antaroth's Abyss (Difficult ) and Pit of Petrax, gamers can race against one another to see who can claim the glory and also be the quickest group to clear the dungeon.

Hero's Oath additionally introduces plenty of new gear for players to pursue, including in a new tier of armor for gamers called Heroic Oath. Fully enchanted Stormcry gear can now be upgraded to a shiny new pair of Heroic Oath equipment with a performance increase to match its style. Future updates will add the capacity to enchant the newest Heroic Oath gear as even harder content is published. Players can hunt to get a new mask in Antaroth's Abyss (Hard) as well, as bosses will have an opportunity to drop a brand new mask with combat stats to match the new tier of armor.

The En Masse team is currently running the very first monthly Level-Up occasion for TERA on PC, which provides gamers who level up a particular character class that month using a series of in-game rewards as they work towards level 65. The group has selected the gunner class for the month of June, so any players interested in leveling up a new gunner or returning to a gunner they never reached maximum level with may earn plenty of free perks!

Should you still play with TERA on PC then you are about to get some brand new material to sink your teeth into. Now, developer Bluehole Studio and En Masse Entertainment disclosed the first details about the game's next growth, which is defined to be titled Hero's Oath, and it seems to incorporate a similar amount of content into the game's previous ones.

First and foremost, the growth will introduce a brand new dungeon named Antaroth's Abyss into the game, which is situated in the Velika Outskirts, and will continue the story started in the primary game.

In addition to that, players will, of course, also be able to upgrade their equipment to a brand-new tier. Dungeon leaderboards will also be set to be added to the match with the new update and will support both the Pit of Petrox and Antaroth's Abyss dungeons at launching.

In other TERA news, earlier this month it had been disclosed that Strike on Titan-themed equipment and outfits would be making its way to the game soon.

Hero's Oath is set to launch on June 6, 2018, and will be accessible only on PC. As of the time of this writing, it is unknown once the expansion will be coming to console version of the game.

More news from mmotank.com/Tera-Gold.html


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