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Do you remember what you were doing 18 years ago? We do! We were helping to make a birthday cake for Duke Horacio in Cook’s Assistant, the first ever RuneScape quest. Now, all these years later, we’re ready to return to our roots with Up to 60% off rs gold a long-awaited sequel!Happy Valentine’s Day 2019!A Romantic Surprise on RSorder for You:Up to 60% off sale for 300M OSRS gold & 1900M RS gold At 3:00 AM GMT on Feb.15!Chef's AssistantGielinor is a pretty sweet place, with loads of cool stuff to do and dragons and magic and nonsense and all sorts of nice stuff. But you know what it doesn’t have? Cheesecake! How mad is that? And it’s definitely about time we did something about it.Chef’s Assistant, which launches today, is similar to Cook’s Assistant, with players helping Head Chef to master a new recipe for a top-secret cheesecake dessert to show off at the next 'Cooks, Apprentices and Kitchen Experts Society' meeting.It’s a relatively short combat-free F2P bottle quest (one does not fight when cheesecake is involved) that’s available to all players with access to the Cooks’ Guild, which requires level 32 Cooking.Once your cheesecake skills have been mastered, you’ll be able to make six different varieties (some of which make use of the flavoured milks from Player Owned Farm) with prayer restore and healing effects. As well as the Quest point, there’s also some very cheesecakey post-quest content and a new achievement to grab.To coincide with the quest’s release, we’ve also made dairy churns available to F2P players, opening up the chance to make pots of cream, cream cheese and butter.To get started, players must have firstly completed Cook’s Assistant (who hasn’t, right?). Then simply head over to the Cooks’ Guild in Varrock and speak to Head Chef to begin the quest.An issue with player dying with a looting bag in a F2P world and the bag keeping it's contents was fixed. Now the items are dropped to the ground as they do in P2P worlds. Existing items in unclaimed Looting bags will still be there.The weeds in Morytania's farming patches are no longer healthy, vibrant and full of life.Doomsayer warnings for areas where players can build eternal fires of light are now unlocked automatically when the fires are built if they weren't already.Reaching level 66 in the Hunter skill will now notify you that you can equip Spottier capes.Duke Horacio will no longer repeat himself when greeting players.The collection log will now track "My notes" correctly.Some grammar when fixing Broken Dragon hastae was corrected.The Scythe of Vitur's charges remaining notification will only be highlighted when the player reaches 100 charges remaining.The world rota is switching back to Period A this week. Although we left it on Period A for four weeks over the Christmas holiday, followed by four weeks on Period B to make up for that, we’re now returning to the regular two-weekly rota, with the next change due on Thursday 21st February.However, we’d like to try a little experiment with worlds 324 and 325. They’ve been taking turns to act as the standard members’ PvP world, with 324 acting as the PvP world in Period A, and 325 acting as the PvP world in Period B. For the next two weeks, although it’s Period A, we’d like to leave both 324 and 325 open as PvP worlds. If the player traffic is enough to sustain both of these, we can leave them both open indefinitely. However, if the activity can’t sustain them both at once, we’ll go back to rotating that theme on the two-weekly rota.Happy Valentine’s Day 2019!A Romantic Surprise on RSorder for You:Up to 60% off sale for 300M OSRS gold & 1900M RS gold At 3:00 AM GMT on Feb.15!Buy Now from
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