There's no Competition What's the opposition doing? Who loves you! The important thing is what you are doing, What follows and right now. Before I'm charged with complete naiveté, There are times when it's informative, And even some isolated times when you have to know what the competition is up to Beats By Dre. The problem is that so many people let the competition dictate action. Instead of responding to its competition, Let its competition respond to you! There's a vast distinction between competitive spirit and competitive obsession. I'm all for inexpensive spirit. To me this means I'm getting up in the am and doing everything I can do to fully prepare myself to compete in personal and business life. It means I'm spending my time researching new techniques and programs, Developing myself to accomplish at optimum levels and re-Evaluating areas that need improve or elimination. Someone who is obsessed with competition wakes up and wonders how much other sellers is charging today. Who is working to make a move on my job? Who is spending the most on business promoting? What is their competitors saying about me? My resistance may, On a day, Finish well before me. It won't be due to a lack of preparation, Catalyst, Technique or effort. That's vital spirit. There's a vast distinction between power and force. For the purposes of this post let's just say that power is what you control, Force is the attempt to manage others. I can't control what its competitors is charging for their services. I can eliminate what I charge; Essential, I can control what I give my customers as value for the fee I charge Cheap Dre Beats. If you're obsessed with its competition, You're likely response to your competitor's lower price rrs always to lower your price. For those who have competitive spirit, Your response is to examine how to add value to your goods and services. Do you need to be cheap, Or would you like to be valuable? I can't control what my athletes are saying about me Christian Louboutin Replica. I can control the message I'm delivering to my current and buyers. If you obsess over the competition in this area you're presentations either refute or reinforce competitors. When you cultivate tough spirit, You emphasize the qualities of your services that make you unique. Consider a prospect asking how you compare to their competitors. Which is a out of this world answer? "I know they guarantee less expensive costs, But some investigation lower prices usually mean inferior service, "I really don't know that much about what my competitors want to do for you, It can also? I'll assume that since you're asking me about your competition, They probably didn't give you a clear impression about what they're willing to do. "Let's discuss what I can do for you. I know very well what my company can do, When it concerns that, On any day, My opponents may defeat me with a better message. They will not Fitflop Shoes and summer MBT Shoes sale $77 cheap store sale Nike Air Max online defeat me because I did not have a message Cheap Nike Shoes. This really is up to you. Which is much stronger? Do you wish to be active or re-Effective? Do you want to commit your time and resources to warfare with the competition, Or to the process of creating value for your visitors? Let the opposition respond to you. When you are prepared, Competitors better commit more resources to preparation. Offer value and let them try to enhance you Red Bottom Shoes. Make sure your message clearly communicates your value and let its competition ramp up to match your value. I really don't know what my levels of competition are doing today. I nicely what I'm doing today. RSS for Jim's material - Visit Jim's net Art transformed Jim's self-Assumption from that of a drug-Abuser and failure to successful guru and Black Belt! Loudpresenter, Media a unique character and author of Amazon bestseller THINK Like a BLACK BELT, Jim tours worldwide to share his philosophy of Black Belt Mindset with coporate and conference audiences.