The Role of Knowledge Engineering To Improve Aircraft Maintenance. by Anthony Mmeri As air operators aim to streamline their avenues of expenditure, increasing attention will be paid to the role of “knowledge engineeringin high frequency maintenance of aircraft parts and components. Adidas Adipure 11Pro SLline using this, a recently published study commissioned by Susana Ferreiro, your personal computer engineer of Donostia-San Sebastian, addressed several Nike LeBron 11 Parachute Goldof assistance to air operators in lessening their maintenance costs and improving air safety in the long run. The research centered on high frequency maintenance issues such as the degradation of aircraft brakes, the look off burrs in the manufacture of components and the deterioration oil quality employed in lubrication. The outcomes of the study provide topical value to fleet managers trying to optimize their maintenance expenditures while offering sound reasoning simply improved standards of flight safety. “Irrespective of the fleet scope, maintenance costs routinely be the cause of ranging from 10 and 45% of annual operating expenses. In any case, this means an amazing outlay for air operators. As no reasonable fleet manager would permit a drop in maintenance standards so that you can reduce costs, the majority are turning to the role played by ‘knowledge engineeringso that you can sustain a normal amount of competitiveness. “This study was interesting from the perspective which it applied techniques based on artificial @uc@8dvzc56s3l@uc@