It is not about understanding everything. It's about understanding general game/boss mechanics. I would be willing to wager that MC is eliminated over the first week of enough players hitting at 60. I am not saying that anything at all needs changed. It was. I'm saying that good enough in WoW Classic to do much of anything it is really going to suck. More especially and Individuals players by character are elitist. You could be able to locate a few people willing to help noobs but lets be real. Vintage, although not published is going to be a replica of an old sport and many half raiding guilds will expect that everybody understands whats happening. It thins. In case Blizzard did change things up a little (and I officially hope they don't) it would put everyone on a level playing field.
99% of people still believe private servers are a true representation of vanilla was the vanilla players believe since its they can only remember so much, they're all clogged with this information. To be honest I feel like 50 percent of items privately servers do not work properly, the amounts in health and damage are entirely inaccurate, a few stats are away, a lot of talents do not even work privately servers, so its only wasting your talent picks, mechanics, some quests give distinct xp amounts which can affect leveling speed and etc.. There are so many problems, and people are still dick riding these private servers instead of merely letting blizzard do their thing, I do not even play personal servers, I will be honest, all I do is go in my degree 15 hunter and shit talk in barrens chat about how stupid everyone is, and they still refused to believe me, now after blizzard confirming a number of this being incorrect, they are most likely thinking about me and how I'm right.
more in:www mmogo com/Wow-classic/Gold