OSRS skill boost given by some in-game items can temporarily raises a player’s level in one or more skills. Here you could learn what gives OSRS Thieving boost from the guide below.How to enjoy OSRS temporary skill boost?A temporary skill boost is anything caused by an item, action or being in a specific area which temporarily raises a player’s level in one or more skills. It allows the player to do things above their current level. Items that give temporary boosts include potions, food, drinks, spicy stews, crystal saw and capes of accomplishment.
Notice: temporary skill boosts do not work on certain quest and diary requirements, and do not work on minigame requirements at all.What gives temporary OSRS Thieving boost?Here are the items that give temporary OSRS Thieving boost:
-Thieving cape
Level increase: 1
Activating the cape’s effect will increase the corresponding skill by 1.
-Spicy stew (yellow spice)
Level increase: ±0-5
Depending on type of stew, any skill can be boosted or reduced by 0 to 5 points randomly.
-Poison chalice
Level increase: 1
Has a variety of beneficial and disastrous effects.
-Bandit’s brew
Level increase: 1
-Spring sq’irkjuice
Level increase: 1
20% run energy boost.
-Autumn sq’irkjuice
Level increase: 2
30% run energy boost.
-Summer sq’irkjuice
Level increase: 3
40% run energy boost.Are you clear about OSRS Thieving boost? If you want to learn more info, come to RSorder.