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It's finally time to introduce you to Leagues II - Trailblazer! OSRS Leagues 2 Trailblazer has been introduced in the latest official blog. As with the last League, the more tasks you complete, the more points you get and the more Relics you can unlock. Let's drill down into the details below to learn rules with rs 3 gold , Relics and rewards of OSRS Trailblazer.
Rules of Leagues 2: OSRS Trailblazer
According to the latest “Leagues II - Trailblazer” official blog, OSRS Leagues 2: Trailblazer is coming in the future. In this approximately two-month League you will start off as a fresh account on a separate game mode locked in Misthalin, where it all originally began. You need to complete tasks to unlock more areas and Relics.
Tasks will span various activities, such as skilling, killing creatures, completing quests and obtaining drops. You will gain League Points by completing tasks, which can be used to unlock Relics and other rewards. Tier of the challenge will range from Easy to Master.
Details of OSRS Trailblazer Relics
Unlocked via League Points, Relics will offer XP boosts, buffs to combat prowess and more. There are three Relics to choose from when you enter Misthalin:
Relic 1: Endless Harvest. Resources gathered from Fishing, Woodcutting and Mining will be multiplied by 2.
Relic 2: Production Master. All items will be processed at once when you do some activities, such as smelting, fletching and cooking.
Relic 3: Skilling Prodigy. All non-combat skills will permanently be boosted by 10.
Rewards gained from OSRS Leagues 2
Bronze - Minimum point threshold
Iron - Top 80%
Steel - Top 60%
Mithril - Top 40%
Adamant - Top 20%
Rune - Top 5%
Dragon - Top 1%
League Points can be subsequently spent in the League Reward Store in the main game. These rewards will be cosmetic and tradeable unless otherwise stated, and will be blogged and polled at a later date.
As a reminder, if you have Points left over from the previous League, you will still be able to pick up the previous League’s rewards in the shop. You will get League-to-League Rewards when Trailblazer begins if you have participated in OSRS Twisted League.
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