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3/04/2021 2:26 am  #1

Where can I find these?

Well you have helped defeat that dreadful man who tried to ruin our tree and you've recovered my military so I guess I owe you. Thanks! The adventurer is going to be pleased. Nothing thanks (You depart the conversation) return into the adventurer and tell him the gnomes have assembled an army. The adventurer will provide you three crystal pieces. I've done research and found that the entry to the demon's lair could be attained by placing these crystals onto rocks on the floor.

Where can I find these? Only north of me. Alright. (You exit the conversation) You should go to the gnome tree bank to get out your armour and weapon and meals and also a 1 click teleport (rather the ectophial). Return and place the 3 crystals on a little triangle on the floor and also a trapdoor will look. Go down and you'll be greeted by the adventurer, 10 gnomes, and 10 elves and lord lorwerth. There will be a cutscene of the military saying random things like"Lets do this!" etc..

You can choose to fight or just return. It is advised you fight since the elves are only level 90 and the gnomes are level 23 and the adventurer does not hit high with his crossbow. They will have the ability to make kills although but you battling will make it go faster. The location has a dark force inside so any prayer activated will be turned away. Not drained. You won't even be able to get into the prayer screen. Following the kebbits are lifeless your troops will probably feel tired and can no longer carry on. You'll have to fight the boss yourself. Whenever you're ready, you will have to cross a rope bridge into a little room. You see that a deadfall rock. Click"Search" and also the king kebbit will appear.

The level 150 kebbit attacks with variety spikes on it's back similar to the dagganoth. You need to use dragonhide armour and bring a dds or other dragon weapon. It will be weak to poison and stab attacks so the dds would be very useful. When you've killed it, report back to the tired and beaten army. Speak to the adventurer.

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