OSRS 8th birthday event has started with new rewards! Now you could participate in this birthday event to obtain the new banana cape and more.How to complete OSRS 8th birthday event? 1. Speak to Duke Horacio on the 1st floor of the Lumbridge Castle.
2. Speak to Zeke in Al-Kharid. Get a knife.
3. Search the barrels in Zeke's store to obtain some bananas and bamboo. Craft 6 monkey cages by using the knife on the bamboo.
4. Go back to Lumbridge. Speak to Duke Horacio.
5. Place a trap to the following places:
Lumbridge Church (Father Aereck)
Outside the Lumbridge General Store (Donie)
Bob's Axes (Bob)
Fred the Farmer's sheep pen (a sheep)
The cow field north of the Mill Lane Mill (a cow)
West of Lumbridge Swamp (a unicorn)
6. After trapping all monkeys, speak to the Duke. Join Duke, Awowogei, Zeke, Mofina and Eluned in the dining room.Rewards from OSRS 8th birthday eventThe following rewards can be obtained after completing this event:
Cursed banana
Banana cape (for members)
2 noted Half full wine jugs
Rewards from previous birthday event and anniversary eventHave you participated in OSRS 8th birthday event? Anyway, you could buy OSRS gold with 5% free bonus from reliable RSorder.Seize the great chance to snap up totally 250M OSRS gold & 1250M RS3 gold for free in RSorder Pre-Spring Flash Sale event at 3:00 AM GMT on Feb. 26th, 2021! Learn more from .
I don't quite understand how to do this, could you make a video clip for me using
. Thank you very muchLast edited by zxclord123 (11/30/2022 4:47 am)