There's the fire damage of the cursed blood and then way more bleed build up. The explosion has a nice radius around it, so trading with that in PvP is very effective, especially with a fast gap closer to the dash forward. In PVE, the boss or whatever you're fighting is not going to actively try to avoid these things. So you can just spam the ash of war, stagger bosses burst them down with bleed and it's even better if they're weak to fire. In 1.06, the move set of two-handed curved great swords that were improved. Strong and charge attacks are actually faster on this as well leading to better base gameplay with the normal moveset. Therefore, this 1.07 bleed weapon Elden Ring is in a really solid respectable place. While not necessarily broken, it is very good.
This is a heavier Rapier-style weapon, all about thrust attacks at impressive range and heavy hits with that. It comes with this unique ash of war, the dynast’s finesse. It's this evasive back step that can then be followed up by choice with a strong attack to dash back forward and sort of destroy the target that's where you dash back from. That's deadly in all content against bosses or in the open world because it's easy to land and very effective thanks to the weight behind the hits. In PvP, it's shockingly strong. Due to the dodge working as this fantastic evade and then that huge punishment of a strong follow-up.
There are a lot of mind games with this weapon alongside the bleed build-up that occurs every time you land a hit it's a threat. The ash of war was even improved in 1.07 slightly. To give you better control over the strong attack follow-up, meaning it's going to be harder to roll around in PvP and you'll actually need to time your role to avoid it. That'll raise its threat even more but its output is not worthy of an s grade but grade definitely.
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