At the very least previously, it's been explained to be a database issue. When you buy in choice of a quest giver(s), the sport needs to perform these database lookups to find out wether you're eligible for any of the quests they feature, if you're already in it, completed them and the like, so as to display the suitable symbol above the quest giver's head. goldi6fd
The greater quests your log contains, the harder the burden on server hardware.Now, much has happened on the computing front since WoW launched, servers are becoming immensely more powerful, but i am not saying Blizzard could just put on with rs gold as part of your log to make up - they could need to run with fewer servers on back-end instead to scale back running and maintenance costs.I've only played since start of Burning Crusade, so That's not me exactly a classic-timer, but I would adore to go to a reward for my numerous years of commitment, and indeed for all of players who've been known way longer than me."